Mats Theselius
During the 20th century, furniture and architecture have been characteristically functional. This functionalism involves a clear perception of society and human kind -a belief that, with technological development, we have advanced so far that we can stand alone, with no need of images and symbols. But this cultural "evolution"has encountered resistance in the past few decades; development is continuing, but we do not feel that we are developing. In this standstill, people are tempted and, perhaps, forced to seek new images. Mats Theselius furniture projects various images and potential associations that are remote from clinical functionalism. Thus, the bear more resemblance to furniture predating the modern period. Various stylistic features and materials are juxtaposed. in a functional and logical world, they bear o pictorial language that gives them in situ, the aspect of objects from a world we recognise, yet one that is unfamiliar. Perhaps, quite simply, it is a world we have not yet seen.